[#3] Digital Mash-Up: The Render
Testing out different materials. This week we are refining and rendering our top creation from last week's digital mash-up. Unfortunately, I came down with a cold this week and was unable to attend class. I missed out on the feedback from others during critique but have enlisted the help of some family members and friends to help decide which creation to use and what to refine. The top creations that came out of the feedback I received were the cookie with teeth, the dragon bee, and the crystal hamster. The creation that had the most positive feedback and others felt was the most unique was the crystal hamster so I decided to go with it. Specific feedback that was given for the hamster was to better balance the placement of the crystals, create a more gradual size change across the clusters on the back end, and to add many more crystals. I agreed with the first two of those points but decided to go lighter on the addition of crystals so that the hamster was still recognisable...